Sunday, July 24, 2016

Julie, pre haircut

So, we're all set to take Julie to get a haircut this coming Friday. Trouble is, they want paperwork proving she's been vaccinated for rabies. I was glad to find out John had a "Julie" file from Uncle Jimmy's apartment. Alas, the last paperwork for a rabies shot was 7 years ago! So we have to take her to a vet, first. I hope we can do that soon because she can't be happy with all that fur in these 90 degree days!

We also were able to determine that she is about 9 years old. I hope that means she can have a few good years with us before we lose her. I never though I could love a dog as much as I loved Shadow, but Julie comes close! He was my baby boy and she's my baby girl!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

More on the babies

So happy to find them both on the tree branch in the morning! I kept an eye on them through the day and even saw the mama bird FINALLY come down to feed the little one. Eventually, they disappeared so I have to hope they made it back up the nest.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Baby Birds

Nick woke me up yesterday and said I had to come outside. Turns out Julie found a baby bird in my garden! Such a tiny little thing with a lot of down. At first we put him in an empty planter to hang up up high away from the cats. (Julie just seems to want to play, not hurt. The cats would kill it.)
Okay, so we leave it thinking Mama bird would come. She didn't. In fact, I hardly saw any adult birds around it all day. 
So, before he goes to work, Nick comes back inside and says there is another bird! That's a first for me. I've never seen two fledglings at one time. This second one had more blue feather showing and seemed stronger.

Long story short, I spent half the day making sure nothing got at them. In the evening I put them both on the same tree branch, hoping they would keep each other warm through the  night. They were both fine this morning, but still on the branch. I  think they were warming up. The stronger one hopped to the ground and Julie started chasing it. I carried Julie into the house (bad for my knee and back, I know) and when I checked later Strong Bird was gone. I hope it finally flew away. Little bird was still in the tree last I looked. I think he's a runt. I wish his damned parents would come for him but they seem to be AWOL. 

One bird last night, before I put his nestmate with him. Of course my camera died before I could get a shot of the two of them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Happy and Hopeful News

Not only are Michael and Megan nearly into their first home together, but Katherine finally told us that she and the man she's been seeing, Bill, are very serious now. She showed me his picture and he's really cute.

Maybe there is hope for my future as a grandmother...

Atlantic City

We took another trip to Atlantic City this past week. It was a little hard for me because I have been suffering with knee pain for several weeks now. But I actually came out ahead for once and had $70 in my pocket when I came home. I also had 2 new bags, a small pink one just big enough for a small wallet and cell phone and a larger red one. I got the second one 'free.' Neither Mike nor I knew you could trade points on your card for purchases in stores related to the hotel! I had $27 worth of credits so I got the bag, plus a cute rooster bottle opener. That, combined with doing pretty well at the "Willy Wonka" slot machine and the comp room for 2 nights all add up to coming out a bit ahead.

I tried to take a picture of the amazing sunset (we were on the 34th floor) but my phone camera isn't that great. The sun was the brightest red I've ever seen. The photo shows a double-exposure, don't ask why. But it was breathtaking:

One thing I do at AC is to bring some of my crochet work with me to kill time between eating and gambling. I finished two baby blankets I've been working on for a grand niece and grand nephew who are due to be born in a few weeks! It's always great to finish projects. Now I just have to pack them up and send them out. Both babies are my sister Martha's grandchildren.

So, the knee pain: the first day I didn't do much of anything. I limped my way to the buffet and enjoyed that. I like the sushi best of all. I usually start with a salad but then I fill up on that and don't enjoy much else, so this time I stuck to main dishes. Not the healthiest but who cares. I almost didn't have room for dessert but after a while I had part of a vanilla cupcake and a little piece of carrot cake. The food is really good !

On the second day, I almost didn't go to Hooters with everyone else because it is really far down the Boardwalk. But Mike treated me to ride in one of the 'rickshaws' they have there. It was a lot of fun! He wanted to walk back and was going to pay for me to ride, but I didn't want to go on the rickshaw by myself. So I limped back, taking time to stop and rest now and then. The pain is ridiculous.

I hurt if I stay in one position for too long. If my leg is bent it hurts to straighten it out. It hurts to walk for too long I've had pain in this knee before but it is usually done with in a day or two. This is nearly six weeks, I'd say. I kept waiting for it to get better.

Finally broke down and made a doctor's appointment. It turns out there is no available appointment for 2 weeks! So I have to suffer. I could go to a different office, but I suppose all of these specialists have short hours. Besides, if it happens again I want the convenience of a place that is only five minutes away. 

I'm hoping I only need a cortisone shot.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fourth of July

We had a nice barbecue on the Fourth. Michael made burgers with meat he'd actually ground and they were wonderful. I made ribs and macaroni salad.

We just got back from Atlantic City (next post) and there are still ribs so I know what I'm eating for lunch tomorrow!

Michael says all burgers need is a touch of salt!