Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Latest on Mom

My 93-year-old Mother lives in an assisted living center in Columbus, Ohio. Happily, my older sister lives nearby and keeps tabs on things. Sue sends us all updates and here is the latest:

We went to the macular degeneration doctor today. He confirmed that there is nothing she can do besides take some vitamins.  He did say she probably won't get any worse, that is, she will  not lose her peripheral vision and be totally blind.  She has dry macular.  She made it there ok but didn't want to go out to lunch.
The physical therapist came this afternoon and is ordering a walker with a seat so she can sit halfway down the hall.  Medicare is supposed to pay for most or all of it. Hers is a special order because she is so small.
Her breathing was better today but we used the wheel chair.  Foot is still swollen from the fall out of bed. 
I am getting our second car sooner rather than later because she is having trouble getting into the pilot.  Have to get a sedan so it is low enough.  No big deal - good gas mileage. 
 My main worry is that I won't be able to get there this fall because of the knee surgery. Mike says I can fly. It will be too hard to drive after the first of October because you never know about snow in Pennsylvania. As long as my sister can put me up (and put up with me, lol) I hope to be able to at least get there for a few days in later October. 

It is not easy to push worries to the back of my mind: worry about Mom, worry about this surgery, worry about the stupid stress test. I still don't understand why I have to do that. What does it have to do with knee surgery? 

Still, it's all a month away so I try to think of other, more pleasant things. What is, is, and you can't do much about it.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Julie Before and After

The best picture I could get of Julie. She was so happy to be home from the groomer she ran around like a nut.

She had a 'shave down' and she looks like a puppy again!

The groomer said she was a little nervous but a delight to work with.
Here is Julie pre-haircut! She was starting to look like a lamb.

More on the damned surgery

So I couldn't a stress test until September 21 and they won't let me go to surgery without one. I don't understand why.

My surgery is now Sept. 23rd. I see Dr. Green before that (the 12th, I think). This whole thing has me so upset. I'm almost ready to just say 'f*ck it' and live with the pain. You have to jump through so many hoops. I don't even know what TIME my surgery is until the day before.

I actually got on the treadmill today. Just for 6 minutes but it was something at least. When I do the stress test, I understand they give you some kind of IV if you can't use the treadmill. That scares me.
So what if I fail and they say, "ha, ha, you can't have surgery"?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Plica Syndrome

I found out today that I have something called Plica Syndrome. 

It's basically a fold in a membrane that surrounds the knee that presses on something or other and causes the same symptoms as a torn meniscus. I was probably born with it but at this point it has swollen enough to cause pain similar to a torn meniscus. 

So I have to have surgery next month. It's a day procedure and I'll be on crutches for about 3 days. My doctor says the risks are very low and it only involves two tiny (one-stitch) incisions and a tool about the width of a pencil.

I have to have a stress test first as a precaution. I hate those things. Oh, well.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Another New Baby!

My niece Jackie gave birth to Jillian Jordyn yesterday. Big brother Tommy seems very happy to have a new little sister!

I'm reminded of when Katherine was born. Michael was so mad he wouldn't come near me in the hospital. But someone had given me a box of cookies and I bribed him with one. Now he and Katherine are very close!

Here is another picture of the new princess:

This makes 6 great grandchildren for my mother: my sister Susan has Patrick, brother Bill has a Patrick, too, and a Liam, and Martha has Tommy and Jillian and Finn!

Can my turn be far off?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

We meet Bill

We actually  met Katherine's new boyfriend over a week ago, but I kept forgetting to post about it. He is SO nice! Gave me a hug right off the bat as if he's always known me. We actually had lobster for dinner because we had rain checks from Father's Day, when they sold the lobsters that were reserved for Mike!

Katherine and Michael made us watch this show called "Check it Out" which is really demented. Katherine said Bill has already seen it but I suppose it's better to find out now that we're a little weird in this family. Weird, but harmless, lol.

I hope this is a serious relationship. Katherine even joked I'd be happy if she got knocked up. But she promises 'within the next few years.' At least the cousins who have already had babies are older. And there's always Michael and Megan. Sometimes I think I have grandbabies on the brain.

Good News

My niece Jessica and her husband Than had their baby boy this week! His name is Finn Daniel.

I remember the moments of joy when my own were born, so I understand Jessica's happy expression!

Busy Days

So today I went for an MRI of my knee to see if I have a torn meniscus (sp?). MRIs are not painful but very noisy, and it is hard to stay still when you are nervous. I don't like the noise.

I brought the CD home and of course I had to look at it. Ugh, I have so much fat on my legs! It's disgusting, even in black and white. One of these days I have to get myself in better shape. I just feel so discouraged. I was doing great on the treadmill before the knee thing happened. I might get back on again next week if the doctor gives his OK. I only walk at 3 mph and it isn't high impact, so I think it should be okay.

I saw the doctor for my knee pain about a week ago. He is very nice and speaks with an English accent. I thought it was arthritis acting up but he says I have very little arthritis in my knee. Hopefully, this MRI will show what's really going on so I can do something about it. I wear a brace and do the ice thing and also use a TENS unit, but I want the pain to stop totally so I can get on with life. I go back to the doctor next Monday morning.

Yesterday, Nick went in for dental surgery again. They are building up his front jaw for his implant. He seems to be taking it much better this time around than last time.

My BP medicine ran out after a year and I was afraid they'd make me go to the office for a checkup before they gave me my refill, but they authorized 2 months which makes me happy. I might stop in just to get a scrip for a mammography, anyway. All these damn tests they want you to do!

And Wednesday, Julie goes to the vet. I wish I could get her groomed first but she has to have proof of her rabies shot, first.