We went to the macular degeneration doctor today. He confirmed that there is nothing she can do besides take some vitamins. He did say she probably won't get any worse, that is, she will not lose her peripheral vision and be totally blind. She has dry macular. She made it there ok but didn't want to go out to lunch.
The physical therapist came this afternoon and is ordering a walker with a seat so she can sit halfway down the hall. Medicare is supposed to pay for most or all of it. Hers is a special order because she is so small.
Her breathing was better today but we used the wheel chair. Foot is still swollen from the fall out of bed.
I am getting our second car sooner rather than later because she is having trouble getting into the pilot. Have to get a sedan so it is low enough. No big deal - good gas mileage.
My main worry is that I won't be able to get there this fall because of the knee surgery. Mike says I can fly. It will be too hard to drive after the first of October because you never know about snow in Pennsylvania. As long as my sister can put me up (and put up with me, lol) I hope to be able to at least get there for a few days in later October.
It is not easy to push worries to the back of my mind: worry about Mom, worry about this surgery, worry about the stupid stress test. I still don't understand why I have to do that. What does it have to do with knee surgery?
Still, it's all a month away so I try to think of other, more pleasant things. What is, is, and you can't do much about it.