Saturday, December 31, 2016

Our Friend Virginia Visits

Virginia came up for the New Year's Weekend and spent Dec. 30th with Mike and me. I always enjoy her visits!

Mike, Virginia and I are on the same 'wavelength' about  many things. I love to hear Mike and her talking about things, they are both so smart.

We had Chinese takeout for lunch and later went to a diner for dinner. It was a great day!

John Joseph

Playing with light up tracks I gave him last Christmas.


Jamie opens a gift from John Joseph.

More Christmas Pics

Katherine and Nick enjoy the antipasto.

James and his signature look.

Noreen and John

Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Christmas Puppy!

Not for me...I have my Julie. But my little nephew John Joseph was very happy to get Zach Brown, the chocolate lab, as an early gift. Kid and pup are too cute!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Part 4

Mike opens his gift from me.

He's had his eye on this alarm clock that plays CDs all year! It is hard to find anything that plays CDs anymore, and Mike has dozens of them. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Part 3

Theresa and Angelina

Nick and Michael discuss the best way to cook steak.

Mike and Michael enjoy scungilli!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve, Part 2

Katherine's boyfriend, Bill, gave me this cute Mouse King Nutcracker!

Katherine opens a gift from Angelina

Michael and Megan, so cute

Christmas Eve, part 1

 Nick helps himself to a hero that Katherine has specially made for our party. It features Italian meats and cheeses!

Me and Julie, in our Christmas reds! I made the vest myself.
Mike, Jimmy and Katherine hang out in the kitchen.

Katherine and James pitch in

Typical silly behavior!
Looking great!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

We decorate our tree

Michael and Megan came for Sunday dinner and stayed to help us decorate the tree. First, Michael helped Mike with the lights:

Then Michael and Megan helped me decorate:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mom's Christmas Gift

I had accidentally left an envelope of money at my sister's, so instead of having her mail it to me, I told her to buy a magnified light-up  mirror for Mom. As you can see, Sue did a great job of wrapping it. Mom really enjoyed her gift!

She says she can put her 'eyebrows on straight now, lol! 

Looks pretty good for almost 94, doesn't she?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Getting Our Tree

For the first time in many years, it was just Mike and me getting our Christmas tree. As you can see, Mike did all the work. He was smart to suggest going last night, as it is getting much colder now!

There wasn't much of a selection unless you wanted to spend a fortune. The trees were so stunted, most shorter than me (I'm 5'2") but we did find a nice 6-footer with a good shape. It will look nice when we set it up next weekend!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Holiday Stuff

I've got bacon-brown sugar crackers in the oven. They will go into the freezer for Christmas Eve, but of course I'll have to sample one!

Yesterday, I made Nutty Butters, a favorite of Mike. I put a dozen in a box for him alone, which he has hidden away, lol. Some went into the freezer and some (mostly gone) were left out for anyone. They are a mix of peanuts, peanut butter and oats, etc. and are soooo goooood.

Here is my hutch this year, a baking center and a place for Mom's Christmas dishes:

I love my Snoopys!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cookie Fun

Katherine came by to make up some spritz cookies, along with Angelina. They had a lot of fun, and Angelina was a real 'pro' with the cookie gun. I, unfortunately, had a headache. But I'd already  made the dough so I left the 'fun' part to the girls!