Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

Mike had a nice Father's Day today. Michael came by with Megan and they enjoyed a dinner of lobster and ribeye steak!

We gave Mike a new chair for the backyard, plus a tool to clean the barbecue and some mats for the barbecue that keep small things from falling through the grates.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Exciting News

I am not sharing this with anyone except Mike and the kids. I've sworn Katherine and Nick to secrecy but haven't told Michael or James yet.

Octavia Spencer's assistant called my agent! They want to renew the contract!

I'm keeping it under wraps until there is an actual movie deal, so I don't have to do a lot of explaining again if it doesn't go through. But whatever, it's another few thousand in my pocket.

I need this after what I've been through. My chest is starting to hurt when I eat and I don't like that. It's like that awful feeling you get at Thanksgiving dinner. It's fucking annoying, so any bit of extra happiness I get, I'll take.

On a minor happy note, I made blueberry jam for the first time yesterday. It came out great and tastes like blueberry pie!

Saturday, June 10, 2017


What a beautiful day it was today. In the 80s but with a breeze. I am able to enjoy life more now that I am starting to feel better. Had a bit of a hard time last night but it didn't last.

Tonight, Mike and I went to Hecksher Park, where there is a huge osprey nest. I remembered to bring my binoculars and got to see an adorable baby! It was so windy that we didn't stay out of the car for long (the beach has to be 10-15 degrees colder than elsewhere) but I was so happy the baby was still in the nest. You could just see his head, and the wind was really ruffling his feathers. Mama bird was off somewhere, probably fighting the wind to find food.

Monday, June 5, 2017


I can turn out of bed  more easily now, without bracing myself, so that's a step in the right direction. But I haven't pooped since I can't remember when and I feel very bad in that way. If I could go I think my abdomen would feel better. No stomach aches, thank God, just a feeling of bloatiness. This morning I will call the doctor for my 3 week appointment and ask if it is okay to use Metamucil. Also, if I can take my gummy vitamins. God knows what I'm missing on this very restricted diet.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Surgery and aftermath

We got to the hospital a little before 11, but I did not go into surgery until about 2:30. There was a delay with one of the operations ahead of mine.

I was nervous that something would keep me from getting it over with, but I did finally have the operation. One moment I was looking up at some overhead lights and the next I knew I was in recovery.

My chest hurt like hell. I learned they pump your chest with C02 so I had to do some breathing exercises to get rid off all that. I have a weird thing I breath from and it seems to be helping.

I have five small incisions straight across my stomach. I look like someone planned to bisect me. The meds help but for some reason I keep getting headaches.  Maybe it is the unusually nice spring weather?

My appetite is about nil. I am on liquids for a few days, but even though I only drink Ensure and chicken broth I don't feel hungry. Mike suggested egg drop soup tonight but it just doesn't appeal to me.

As long as I get up in a straight line, I'm okay, but if I have to turn (like getting out of bed) it hurts like hell.

Well, at least the operation is behind me. That had me so worried. Now I will be doing some tests as part of a study I volunteered for, mostly easy stuff as far as I can see. The minute they mention "manometry" I am OUT. But there is no reason to do that so it should be okay.

All I know is 2018 better see me in better than perfect health.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Off to hospital

I leave for the hospital in a few minutes. I'm not really thinking about anything, except the fact I'm starving. I did sleep pretty well (for me) last night and stayed in bed until nearly 8. Kept  busy this morning doing some cross-stitch on a little rooster picture and getting everything ready for the hospital.

I am bringing a change of underwear and socks, as well as my  meds, but I hope I won't have to stay overnight. Couldn't get a straight answer about that but since I'm going in earlier than later I should be home tonight. I just hope recovery isn't a bitch.

Then again, at least I'll be on my way to being 'normal'again. This has been a damned nightmare.