Monday, August 31, 2020

Bio Tomorrow

 I have to be there at 10 and will be under sedation. Alas, Mike can't come with me. But since I will be there 4 hours I'm sure he'd prefer to do something else than sit in the waiting room!

I am steeled to the possibility of this being cancer. At this point, nothing would surprise me. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Some Goodish News

 They were going to send me into NYC for a biopsy of my T2 vertebrate. Mike and I said, "NO." It is just too stressful for us to go into the city these days. For one thing, it's about a 2 hour drive from here!

So Dr. Ahmed made a call to StonyBrook to see if there was someone there who would do this procedure. (Apparently it's tricky.) Mike took it on himself to make phone calls, and spent over THREE HOURS being shuffled back and forth until he finally got through to the office of the doctor who can do this.

So the goodish news is that we are set to go to Stony Brook next week. Really good news would be, "whoops, our bad--you don't have cancer."

But this is just wishful thinking.

Monday, August 3, 2020


Yes, it is cancer. And I have cancer in the nearest lymph node.

Results from a back MRI I had last week are inconclusive--either it is more cancer or something called Pagets Disease (a bone problem second only to osteoporosis). Never mind 'crap.' FUCK!!!!

Seriously, HOW????? I don't drink to excess, I don't smoke. I don't eat too much junk food. Is it because I live on Long Island and have for 64+ years?

I see my doctor on Wednesday and my oncologist on Friday. I will be having a biopsy on my spine at some point--sooner than later, I hope. I have to say the doctors are moving quite well on all this. I just want to be done with it, whatever it takes.