Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Katherine and I baked a family favorite last night (Mon. Dec 8), Spritz Cookies. Actually, she did most of the work with dough I had made earlier. The cookie gun is fun to use.

It's so much fun to use we actually broke it. I've had it for a few years now, and it's my second one. Looks like I'll be buying #3 for next year!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Almost Gone

 The PET scan I had shows the cancer is 'resolved.' That means there is no visible cancer, but not that I'm totally out of the water.

I will be having surgery later this month to get rid of nearby cells so that will hopefully mean I'm done, at least as far as breast cancer. 

Dr. S is aiming to December 29, but it also might happen Christmas Eve. I guess that would just mean we do our 'party' at another time. I hope for the later date, but either way we are getting it done in 2020. 

I have to call Dr. B for a pre-op exam. And I will have a Covid-19 test a few days before the surgery. Damn Corona Virus just wants to hang around. They are talking about vaccines. Soon, I hope!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Forty Years

On Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020 Mike and I celebrated 40 years of marriage. "Celebrated" is a relative term since we stayed home and had sauce like every other Sunday. Between Covid (restaurants aren't running at full power) and worry about my recent tests (no results yet, but mammo looked okay) I just said we could celebrate another time. And that was fine! After all these years, we don't need to do fancy romancy. 

Kids gave us a card and a gift card. Mike gave me a card with the promise we will look for a new couch soon. The one we have is a hand-me-down from Michael and it is awful.