So I was supposed to have the next step of my implants done yesterday. But I was having trouble with a bridge right next to it. Now they want to remake a 5-tooth bridge for me. I kind of freaked out over it. Missing six teeth (I have another missing tooth, plus the 2 for the implants and the 3-tooth bridge) right before the holidays? No effing way. I cancelled and told them I'd be back in January.
But it got me so upset I made myself sick. Now I have a headache and stomach ache since yesterday.
I asked God for some relief and He did send it--in the form of a haircut! Pete, my haircut guy, took us in without an appointment, at the last minute. It made me feel a little better because my hair was looking really awful. I like the way Pete can make me look like I have more than I have.
I hope that I feel better tomorrow. I hate being like this. I actually just ordered a calming supplement to try since I tend to overthink and overreact to things. It is from the same company that makes a sleeping medicine I really like so hopefully it will help me.