Thursday, March 31, 2016

Uncle Jimmy

Mike's Uncle Jimmy has lived in the same house since he was born almost 90 years ago.  For the past few years, Mike's cousin Rob has stayed with this. But, unfortunately, it is getting to be too much. Uncle Jimmy needs more specified care than Rob can give him.

So John and Rob, who are executor's of Uncle Jimmy's will, signed him up with an Assisted Living place today.  It will be a huge adjustment but important for Jimmy's safety and well-being. As far as I know, he even gets to keep his dog, Julie. Julie is very important to him and all Jimmy talks about if he isn't home is Julie. I hope he does get to keep her (he has to be able to walk her) but I will take her in if necessary.

I did make it very clear to Mike, though, that taking in Julie doesn't negate my search for a puppy!

More Easter

We all celebrated Easter at John and Noreen's house. Michael wasn't there (he spent the day with Megan's family) and Nick had to work. It was a nice time, as usual, and the leg of lamb was amazing.

Katherine and Jamie.

I told them to ignore the camera and act natural for this one...ha, ha.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Coloring Eggs

Happily, the strike never happened and Katherine got to come home yesterday. Of course, they sent people back after 3, so Katherine hit rush hour and said it took 7 hours to get home--at least twice what it should have.

Anyway! We got to color eggs together. Melody the Cat supervised:

She looks like she takes her  job very seriously, doesn't she?

Friday, March 25, 2016

Katherine is in Massachusetts

Not that she wants to be. There is some stupid strike going on, so they are 'distributing' managers to different stores to run things. She didn't even know she had to be there yesterday until the night before. Nice of her company to give people a little notice!

She did text me and said they were just sitting around a hotel room yesterday, but I'm sure she's busy today. At least the room is a nice one.

My big gripe is that she may not make it home in time to color eggs with  me Saturday night. I might have to do them on my own, which takes all the fun out of it. If I'd thought of it ahead, I'd have invited Michael and Megan. Michael hasn't been one for coloring eggs for years, but I bet he'd have fun doing it with his girlfriend.

On the plus side, I have a number of beautiful daffodils in my yard, including the really cute mini ones!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Another Sunday and then Tuesday

Michael and Katherine came by for Sunday dinner, which was Mike's sauce and my meatballs. They tried to find something to watch on TV and finally decided on the first "Harry Potter" movie. I told they can watch a different one each time they are both there, since we aren't working on any series at the moment.

Michael enjoys Mike's sauce. He says my meatballs are really good!

Today (Tuesday), I took Nicky to the periodontist. He has to have  his front tooth replaced. He broke in when he was a kid and has had a temporary crown, but the X-ray shows it is barely holding on to the post. So now we're looking at an implant. God knows what it is going to cost, even with insurance.

The insurance thing will be tricky, because he will be out of ours when he turns 26 in June, and this whole process takes about a year. We'll figure it out. He can't go around with a missing front tooth!
The dentist told me what's going to happen, but half of it went over my head. I just want to take this one step at a time. I told Mike he is going to the pre-op visit in two weeks to discuss this with the dentist. He understands these things better than I do.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Almost Spring

It's still about 2 weeks away, but I saw my first robin of the year yesterday, and today I found this near my driveway:


Been doing yard work this week, mostly pulling out raspberry vines (they never give us any) and picking up sticks in the yard. We've had a few unusually warm days, and it's been very nice to work outside!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Things

Mike took me to get my car inspected today. When we went to pick it up, I came home and he went to get us some fried chicken. It isn't the kind of takeout we usually get, but it was soooo good.

I cleaned Penny's cage today. She had chewed through some wires to an A/C unit and when I moved them out of the way, I got a bit of a shock, even though it was turned off. So I unplugged it and moved Penny's cage to a much safer place. (I had tied and taped up the wire but it fell right on top of her cage.)

A nice surprise came in the mail Saturday. A check from my agent! I thought I wasn't getting them any more. I figure the royalties on the e-books have to end sometime, I just thought they dwindle away until there wasn't anything left. But I actually did get a February payment...dated February 29th!

Ha, that's also the date of the day Mike asked me to ask him to marry him, way back in 1980!

I also got some new fabric in the mail today, so I can work on a jacket I want to make. The muslin version fits nicely, so now I can work with better fabric.

I also edited two book chapters on my next e-book. I don't remember much of it so it's like a new book to me!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Birds of a feather... up in bad weather. Okay, they show up for seeds I throw to them (and peanuts, too) but I hardly ever see this many roosting:

Mostly mourning doves, but there's at least one bluejay. There were also some juncos on the ground and squirrels, too. All enjoying seeds and nuts during what I pray is the last snow of the winter.

If I was lucky, it would be the last snow I have to put up with, EVER.