Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Things

Mike took me to get my car inspected today. When we went to pick it up, I came home and he went to get us some fried chicken. It isn't the kind of takeout we usually get, but it was soooo good.

I cleaned Penny's cage today. She had chewed through some wires to an A/C unit and when I moved them out of the way, I got a bit of a shock, even though it was turned off. So I unplugged it and moved Penny's cage to a much safer place. (I had tied and taped up the wire but it fell right on top of her cage.)

A nice surprise came in the mail Saturday. A check from my agent! I thought I wasn't getting them any more. I figure the royalties on the e-books have to end sometime, I just thought they dwindle away until there wasn't anything left. But I actually did get a February payment...dated February 29th!

Ha, that's also the date of the day Mike asked me to ask him to marry him, way back in 1980!

I also got some new fabric in the mail today, so I can work on a jacket I want to make. The muslin version fits nicely, so now I can work with better fabric.

I also edited two book chapters on my next e-book. I don't remember much of it so it's like a new book to me!

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