Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Nick at the Periodontist

I think that's what you call someone who does dental implants. I took Nick this morning and just picked him up a little while ago. He's got a temporary 'flipper' in his mouth where his permanent implant will eventually replace his front tooth.

Trouble at CVS in that, for some reason, Nicky is not on our insurance for prescriptions. Luckily, it turns out the antibiotics he has to take were only about $20 and we just tripled up on OTC ibuprofen (per dr's orders) to help with any pain. Insurance is great, until you have to futz about it. That's up to Mike, since it's under his name.

Mike is out on the island with a job. He's been getting a lot of work lately. That's good, because he can build up an account until social security kicks in and he's limited to how much money  he can make.

I have been back to exercising again. I sort of made a promise to my pain doc, Dr. P, that I would be able to tell her I was exercising regularly next time I see her. I alternate between using my Wii board for stepping and the treadmill. If I happen to lose weight, too, that will be a bonus. We'll see.

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