Saturday, April 29, 2017

Starting my garden

Jamie and Mike worked on tilling my garden today. Mike did not run the tiller because he is still hurting from dental surgery yesterday. Afterwards, he put down some weed-blocking plastic.

I also earned a new Fitbit badge. I think this one means I have walked 250 miles since I started using this thing!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mom, etc.

I finally got to talk to Mom on the phone today, after trying many times to get through. My sister Sue says she turns down the volume so she doesn't  know when people call her. So Sue had her call me today.
Mom sounds great. Someone spilled the beans about my stomach but I just told her about the ulcer. I see no reason to scare her with my surgery. I also said Mike and I would be there in the summer.

Sue says Mom has no concept of time so if people stop telling her I plan to visit, she won't wonder what is taking so long.

I only pray the healing time isn't too terribly long. I'm resigned to the fact that these stupid tests are going to be on the original dates, not moved up. First one is next Monday.

Meantime, I'm not feeling too terrible. If I am careful of what I eat and how much, I can deal with it. My back is more of a problem since I sleep mostly sitting up and that is bad on the piriformus muscle. Laying down is better on my back but bad for my stomach. I am taking Tramadol each night now just to sleep. I was worried to take too many because I want it for my surgery, but I think they'd give me a stronger dose, anyway.

I just want to be done with this.

Friday, April 14, 2017


I went to see the new doctor today. Really liked her a lot and feel confident in her skills. I also like that it is going to be at a local hospital, not the city.

Also happy there is no sign of twisting or real worry about it.

What I am not happy about is having to have surgery to fix my hiatal hernia. But there seems to be no other option. It wouldn't be for a few months, anyway.

I have to have two more tests done, but I plan to do them after we get back from Ohio. I am SO F-ING sick of doctors. Even nice ones.

Got my new glasses today and they are such a huge adjustment I am having trouble adjusting to them. I guess this is what happens when your vision sucks for such a long time. But I can see details I couldn't before, like birds in distant trees. I still will see double 'cause of the cataracts, but that medical problem is for another day.

I go back to the endodentist tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be my last visit.

Coloring Eggs 17

Katherine bought this fancy-shmancy egg color kit with glitter and sequins, etc. We had a lot of fun with it last night.

Here is a closeup of Katherine's pretty  hand-drawn egg.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

More health stuff

I have my CT-scan and Endoscopy reports. I admit I don't understand 99% of what they say, but I do understand "no immediate complications," which makes me wonder why I need a consult with another doctor, let alone one all the way in NYC.

We are going to see a doctor right here on Long Island this Friday. We'll see what she says.

Meantime, it is GORGEOUS outside. Spring has finally sprung--it's in the 60s.

At least all this stomach stuff didn't happen in the dead of winter.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Helicopter Badge

Got this badge from FitBit, which means I have climbed 500 stairs, equivalent of how high a helicopter goes, I think:

They consider 10 feet a flight of stairs, so that would be 5,000 feet.

Also, I had to wear a belt yesterday when I was walking Julie. Not quite ready to go down a size in shopping, but getting there!

Losing weight and having more energy because of the FitBit helps counteract all the damned health/stomach issues I have had lately.


Writing this five days after the fact...

So, besides the hiatal hernia, I have an ulcer. No more aspirin (not even the coated kind) or Nsaids. Good luck making my back feel better on Tylenol, but it is currently my only choice.

Dr. G wants me to see a specialist in NYC, but we said we will find someone more local. He did not see a twist in my stomach but I guess it is a concern. Either that, or he's the doom-and-gloom type. All I know is there is not f-ing way I'm going to the city, a two hour trip that is a big hassle and includes many subway changes or a lot of walking. You can't tell me there isn't a good doctor here on LI I can see if necessary. We aren't a backwater area.

Mike has a friend who had stomach cancer who asked his doctor, and I was given another name. Now I am waiting for them to send me the endoscopy report so I can schedule a consult with this guy.

I have doubled up on my omeprazole and it is really helping me. I feel much, much better. I have taken Julie for a walk several times and put in over 6,000 steps a day. (Yesterday I hit nearly 9,000!) I try not to think of the stomach twist thing, which can be fatal. Mostly because a)I feel better and b)it is very, very, very rare. Honestly, if I did think about it too much it would give me another f-ing ulcer.

(Next time, I'm putting the 'uck' in 'f-ing.')

I have to be very careful what and how much I eat, which means a lot of tiny meals. One egg, for example. I read that yogurt and honey are good for ulcers so I eat that.

On the good note, I finally had my eyes checked and should get my glasses this week. At least I will have them before we go to Ohio later in the month.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Back to the doctor

I went back to the doctor today and was sent down to Dr. G's office. Fortunately, I was seen pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, I not only have a hiatal hernia, but my stomach is twisting. If it gets really bad I will have to have surgery. I hope that doesn't happen. It's very scary and I don't want to think about it.

I am having an endoscopy tomorrow morning. Again, if I have to do this I'm happy it is quick. It's the same Dr. who took care of me when I was very sick years ago. 

I have to have only clear liquids today and nothing after midnight. I'm okay with that. I don't feel much like eating anyway. The nurse told me it is okay to take Ambien, so I might just do that to sleep through until I have to get up in the morning. 

The good news is I've lost about 16 pounds since I got my FitBit. Some of that is from not eating much this past week, but I think most is legitimate. I don't smoke, rarely drink, and try to eat right. And stuff like this still fucking happens. I hate life.