Saturday, August 5, 2017


Mike and I just got back from a week in Ohio visiting my mother and sister and bil. My brother, sil and nephew came, too!

Mom has her ups and downs but still knows who everyone is, at least. Frankly, she has too many 'downs' as she has fallen a few times. She fell the first day we were there and we went to the emergency room. She had a huge bump on her head, but otherwise checked out okay.

One of the aids found her on the floor in her room. She lost her hearing aid and we think she might have been looking for it. She was obsessed about it all week (we never found it) and would even start looking in trash cans at my sister's house. Mostly, we just play along with her.

Sue says Mom has fallen a few times in the past few weeks. They are keeping a close eye on her.

She doesn't have a good concept of time and though it was June the other day, when it is August. But she did remember we were going to take her to a favorite restaurant. Happily, we were able to do that Tuesday. That's another post.

Here I am with Mom:

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