Saturday, November 25, 2017

Got him! (or her?)

Mike, James, Nick and Andrew (who does work for us sometimes) tore out about 8 feet of drywall and finally found the little stinker. The house still has a smell but it's mostly of bleach now. Thank God this has been taken care of. Now I can get to my holiday prep!

There is a beautiful young cat that belongs to a family with an allergic child. They tried med but it doesn't work. I told Katherine I'd give the kitty a try but if it doesn't work out the family has to take her back. I am NOT bringing a cat to the shelter.

Don't know why it wouldn't. Julie grew up with five cats and we used to have two!And this one is so pretty. Katherine says she is a sweet, cuddly cat. I know I wanted a kitten but I took one look at her picture and I'm willing to take in an adult cat. She is only two years old, so almost like a kitten.

We'll see how it goes. At least a cat would help keep the rodents away.

OH! I have a baking supplies area in my garage. I took down a box with chocolate chips and such in it and found half of it chewed away. Lots of mouse (not rat) poop, too. The little schmuck tore into a bag of white chocolate chips and ate them all!

No matter, I would rather  have a fresh supply. But now I know things have to be in glass or plastic, not their original bags.

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