Thursday, December 14, 2017

Eye Doctor

I went to Mike's eye doctor today, who did his Lasik surgery, to see if I'm a candidate. I'm NOT (at this time, anyway) but I am going to have cataract surgery. It doesn't sound like too big a deal, except a get knocked out so I have to have pre-surgery approval from my regular doctor. What a pain. Well, at least it isn't until February. I knew I had difficulty seeing things in sharp focus, but was told before that my cataracts were 'mild.' This doctor said they should have told me I needed surgery. I wish Dr. Harris was still around. He never would have steered me wrong! We have decided to fly to Ohio this weekend. We take an early afternoon flight tomorrow and get to Columbus around 5, with a layover in Philadelphia. The road conditions in Pennsylvania were just too dangerous, black ice and all. We fly home on Sunday. I keep thinking 'there is no more Dee McNally" walking the earth and it seems so strange. But then I imagine her walking around in heaven, healthy and happy and laughing with my Dad and brothers!

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