God, what a production. I don't think they could have squeezed me in any more directions. They also did a sonogram.
The doctor says I have calcium in my right breast and she wants me to get a needle biopsy. She expects me to go to Garden City but I'm going to talk to Dr. Ahmed and see what he says. I'm sure I can find someone more local to do it.
I have a PT Scan on Monday. This is my 3rd one so I know what to expect. It isn't too bad. I have to avoid carbs all day Sunday but I get to have things like Bacon and Eggs so no problem.
Have been sick for a few days, mostly my stomach. And I keep waking up at 4 a.m. and am unable to get back to sleep. I did some research and think it might be the Turmeric I've been taking. So I'm no longer taking it and I hope to feel better, soon.
Mostly, I'm just plain tired.
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