Friday, March 2, 2018

Second Surgery

I'm sure it was my imagination, but the second eye seemed to take longer than the first. It was a little uncomfortable the first day but within a day or two my vision was almost perfect. It is very strange to wear glasses to read, not for distance like all these years before. I still reach for my prescription glasses in the morning, lol!

By this coming Sunday I will be completely done with the eye drops for my first eye. Two weeks more for the second. Happily, I was able to get a generic version of one of the drops that initially cost $300! Not sure why insurance wouldn't cover it, but I'm glad I asked. Even though I'm doing great financially, I still think $300 for stupid eye drops is a ripoff. The generic, which is exactly the same,
cost $20!

We are in the midst of a "Nor' Easter" today, with crazy wind and rain. Some snowfall but mostly it was washed away by the rain. Some branches have fallen and one big gust of wind knocked down a bird feeder. I hope this is winter's 'last gasp.'

Here are Julie (pre-haircut, she has since been to the groomer) and Atticus, taking a nap together.

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